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How to maintain healthy hair – know here

Het Get maintain healthy hair male guys maintain healthy hair male guys

1. Wash Your Hair Regularly

Washing your hair regularly ensures that your scalp and hair is free of dirt and excess oil However, the right frequency depends on your hair type and personal preferences.

2. Use Chemical Free

Use Chemical Free Shampoos You really can’t control all the environmental factors that damage your hairs but what you can control is the kind of shampoos you use. Lesser the  number of chemicals in your shampoo, healthier your hair. Go for gentle shampoos that suit your hair type.

3. Condition Correctly

Your conditioner contains ingredients that make the hair fall straight and manageable. It protects your hair from environmental aggressors and heat styling. However it  should be applied only obrang. However, it should be applied on the tips of the hair and not on your scalp. Also, make sure to rinse it off thoroughly post application.



4. Dry Your Hair Naturally

We know. Blow drying makes your hair as beautiful as that of your on-screen idol. But excessive heat styling can damage your hair scalp. Limit it to important events, if you have to style. Air drying or towel drying after shampoo is the best way to go. Never sleep in wet hair or comb wet hair. Harsh rubbing with a towel can damage the cuticle of your hair. Be gentle.

5. Oil Your Hair Properly

Pre-shampoo treatments like oiling and massaging improve blood circulation on the scalp, relax your muscles, boost shine and nourish the hair. It also restores moisture content, enables hair growth and repairs split ends. You can choose from coconut oil,   almond oil, olive oil, castor oil and the likes. Avoid using mineral oil on your hair.

6. Style Your Hair Naturally

Who does not like those gorgeous curls or perfect waves? But you can achieve these   without putting your hair through heat.

7. Drink More Water

Internal hydration coupled with external hydration is the key to well balanced and healthy hair. You may be using hydrating haircare products and oils, but drinking at least 3 litres of water everyday ensures good hair health

Get maintain healthy hair male guys



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